Volunteer Info

Parent Volunteer Duties

We are a non-profit, volunteer organization. We want youth in our programs to develop their ball skills but most of all to have fun, be active, and make friends. We are a vibrant, and highly successful ball club but we need YOU to continue to make that happen; we need people with all kinds of skill sets and interests. When we do not have enough volunteers, our programs suffer and our families' experiences do too. 


For the Spring Season, there will be two types of volunteering required:  

  • Club Duties 
  • Team Duties

Club Duties

Club Duties support the operation of the Club as a whole and are covered either through a volunteer position or volunteer shifts to be completed by the family/guardians of each registered player. Commitments for the positions will vary depending on the role, but taking on one of these roles will cover volunteer requirements for one (1) player registration. The volunteer shifts option will require two shifts per registered player (approximately 6 hours total). Options include: 


  • Team Coach, Team Assistant Coach, Team Manager - max of three (3) coach/manager exemptions per team
  • Club Executive Positions
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Secretary
    • Umpire-In-Chief
    • Treasurer
    • Registrar
    • Members at Large
  • Club Coordinator Positions
    • Club Duty Volunteer Coordinator
    • Coaching  Coordinator
    • Concession Manager(s)
    • Concession Volunteer Shift Scheduler
    • Equipment and Safety Coordinator
    • Fields and Maintenance Coordinator
    • Game and Field Scheduling Coordinator
    • Player Development Coordinator
    • Social Media Coordinator
    • Sponsorship and Fundraising Coordinator
    • Umpire Scheduling Coordinator
    • Uniforms and Clothing Coordinator


  • Concession
  • Field Maintenance/Work Crew 
  • Other roles that may come available during the season such as helping with Opening or Closing Ceremonies or Tournaments. 

For Club Duties, families/guardians have 2 options: 

  1. Sign-up for Club Duties and agree to pay $200 fee per registered player if your Club Duty is not completed. 


  1. Pre-pay a $200 Club Duty Opt Out Fee, per registered player. 

Club Duty sign-up will be organized through the Club Duty Volunteer Coordinator and volunteer jobs will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. We have a variety of positions available but if you do not see something that suits your skills - please let us know. We will be happy to find a position that works for you!


What if I am unable to Volunteer? 

We understand that there are certain circumstances that lead to families not being able to volunteer. If you know that you will not be able to fulfill a volunteer position for the season, you will have the option to pay and “Opt-Out Fee" in lieu of your volunteer requirements. The "Volunteer Opt-Out Fee" is $200 per registered player. There are no exemptions from volunteering for any families, other than the Opt-Out process above.


To sign up for a shift/duty simply click the link and choose what you would like to volunteer for:

Brewsky's Meat Draws: https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/761258012027/false#/invitation

Concession Shifts: Link https://signup.com/go/YaosygU

Field Maintenance: Link TBA

Opening Ceremonies: https://signup.com/go/ZtyxWHW

Ready for a longer-term commitment? Our board works hard to keep the club running but we can always use extra hands so that we can make sure all of our players have a great season and plenty of opportunities to develop their skills. As they say, many hands make light work, so please consider helping out.

Board Positions: FULL

Coordinator Positions: https://signup.com/go/bunhcLV

Club Duty Volunteer Sign Up

Team Duties

Team Duties support your child's specific team and do not count towards your Club Duty requirement as part of registration. However, supporting the team is crucial to a fun and successful season for players and families – the Coaches and Managers cannot be expected to do it all. Team duties include such things as:

  • Scorekeeping
  • Field Set Up
  • Field Clean Up/Tear Down
  • Team fundraising
  • Team tournament duties
  • Other duties that could be required for safety protocols

Team Duties will be organized through respective Team Coaches and/or Managers. Purchasing the "Club Duty Opt Out Fee" does not release a family from completing "Team Duties".  You cannot opt-out of Team Duties.


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