Lifetime Members

Honourary Life Members of the Association

  • Blayne Asmunsdon – 2003 – President for many years, Coach (BC Gold Medal in Midget C 2004), Umpire – did it all . . .
  • Rick Brewer – 2003 – Executive, Coach, Umpire and a huge contributor to the fields that we play on
  • Wayne Carson – 2003 – founding member of the Executive, hugely successful Coach in Minors and Junior Women
  • Mike Dixon – 2003 – founding member of the Executive, hugely successful Coach in Minors and Junior Women
  • Dave Hall – 2003 – Dave began coaching in Central Saanich in 1980, served on the Executive for several years, and continues to Umpire today.
  • Mike Bohonos – 2005 – long time Coach and Treasurer and also concession, photos, . . .
  • Joe Sparrow – 2005 – started as an Umpire in Central Saanich in 1984 and went on to coach and serve on the executive since 1989. Joe was nominated and accepted the position of District #1 Minor Coordinator for the 2009 season.
  • Gail Wharf – 2005 – Gail started as a Coach in the early 1990’s and served on the Executive for many years – most recently as Registrar.
  • Brad Hunter – 2010 – Brad was a Coach with Central Saanich and also stepped up to be President for two years.
  • Allison Duthie – 2015 – Allison was a long-time Registrar with Extreme.
  • Patti Flanigan – 2015 – Patti was a Coach with Extreme for 20 years. Served as Head Coach, Asst Coach ran pitching clinics and went to provincial’s more than once.
  • Lyne Junger – 2015 – Lyne started with Extreme as a Registrar. She was also Vice- President and held the club together for many years. She has always stepped in when needed.
  • Sara Martinoski - 2016  Sara was a long-time Concession Coordinator from 2009 and spent many long days in the concession and we are pretty sure she has worked every shift in the concession in a year!!! 

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